Monday, October 19, 2009

m is for makayla!

I have had the privilege of photographing Makayla since birth. Well actually since the tummy shots. It has been a joy watching her grow! She is a part of our Baby's 1st Year Plan and I will be photographing her first birthday very soon! These are a few shots from her 9 month session...

Monday, September 14, 2009

Here are a few images from sweet Matthew's 1 Year session. He is a precious little boy and all smiles! The whole family came along and I really enjoyed meeting everyone! What a nice family! I am looking forward to their family shoot this fall!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Shelby is 5!

This is Shelby...a 5 year old beautiful little girl. This shoot was taken at Vines Botanical Gardens in Loganville. This was actually shoot #2. We got rained on for shoot #1. She was a trooper!

Baby Jonathan's 3 Month Session!

Baby are a few pics from his 3 month session. He is one of my "First Year" babies and he is absolutely adorable! He is such a happy little boy!

Big sister Ella has grown into a beautiful young lady. I captured her "First Year" too and now she is 3! She loves her baby brother! What a little angel!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

It's Fun Being 2!

I always enjoy the 2 year old stage...they are so curious and so cute! Haley is such a cutie pie and it was a delight photographing her!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Meet Mike & Trish!

What a FUN engagement session this was at the Bona Allen Mansion in Buford! Mike had me laughing from the moment we got started to the end! I can't wait for their wedding in October!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Welcome to my blog!

Hello and welcome to my blog! I am happy to have the opportunity to share with you some of my photo shoots! It's hard to believe it's back to school already! I had a busy but great summer and am looking forward to a very busy fall! If you don't already know I will be pursuing the business full time next year. It has been my dream to be able to do this so thank you in advance for your support!

What was your favorite summer memory? I hope you snapped away and captured many wonderful moments with you and your family. The special memories slowly fade over time but it is so much fun to remember those memories through our photographs. All of those emotions come back to life! I am so thankful for the gift of being able to capture memories for my clients! Thank you!